
What Does It Cost?

Admission – All persons need a wristband to enter the hall

Everyone needs a wristband to enter the hall. Once you get it, keep it on!

How can you get a wristband? There are 5 types of admission to our event!

  1. Trading Card Championship MastersRegister online.
    Wristbands $20 at the ticket booth – (includes any constructed TCG or VG side event). Also, see Bulk below.
  2. Trading Card Championship Junior / SeniorRegister online. Wristbands FREE at check-in.
  3. Video Game Championship PlayerRegister online. Wristbands FREE at check-in.
  4. Parent or Ride – No online registration. Limit 1 driver & 2 immediate family. Come through the check-in line with your player, and to get your wristband.
  5. Community Expo – Sunday only. No online registration. Wristbands $5 at the ticket booth.

Bulk Pokemon Cards as Master’s TCG Championship Admission

For the upcoming Southern California Regional Championship, PokeBulk will be accepting 400 Pokemon cards in exchange for a Masters TCG Admission Wristband to enter the event.

Find the bulk pay table near the ticket booth of the event prior to check in time.

Only be accepting near mint, English language, and non-“World Championship Deck” Pokemon cards. (trainer, supporters, and special energy cards will also be accepted).

A digital scale will be used to weigh out the appropriate number of cards, so please make sure you bring an adequate amount. Any excess cards will be returned to the player along with your wristband. There will not be a limit to the number of wristbands we hand out. You can bring bulk to sell later at the event but only bulk for Masters TCG Admission payment will be accepted at the ticket booth.

Tip to save you time:
Empty elite trainer boxes can hold a little over 400 cards; this is a handy reference for how many cards to bring.